The Writer's Guide to Weapons: A Practical Reference for Using Firearms and Knives in Fiction | Illustrated Edition

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Authors: Sobieck, Benjamin,Morrell, David
ISBN-13: 9781599638157
List Price: $16.43 (up to 20% savings)
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Details about The Writer's Guide to Weapons: A Practical Reference for Using Firearms and Knives in Fiction:

When it comes to writing weapons, most authors shoot from the hip--and miss. The Writer's Guide to Weapons will help you hit your target every time. Firearms and knives have starring roles in a wide range of genres--crime, thriller, war, mystery, Western, and more. Unfortunately, many depictions of weapons in novels and film are pure fiction. Knowing the difference between a shotshell and a slug, a pistol and a revolver, or a switchblade and a butterfly knife is essential for imbuing your story with authenticity--and gaining popularity with discerning readers. Inside you'll find:    • An in-depth look at the basics of firearms and knives: how they work, why they work, what they look like, and how to depict them accurately in your stories.    • The biggest weapons myths in fiction, TV, and film.    • A surefire guide for choosing the correct weapon for your characters, no matter their skill level, strength, or background.    • A review of major gun and knife laws, weapons safety tips,and common police tactics.    • "The Hit List," showcasing the most popular weapons for spies, detectives, gunslingers, gangsters, military characters, and more.    • Examples highlighting inaccurate vs. accurate weapons depictions.    • An insightful foreword by David Morrell, the award-winning creator of Rambo. Equal parts accessible, humorous, and practical, The Writer's Guide to Weapons is the one resource you need to incorporate firearms and knives into your fiction like a seasoned professional.

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