Epistemology: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments in Philosophy | 1 Edition

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Author: McCain, Kevin
ISBN-13: 9780367638726
List Price: $27.76 (up to 15% savings)
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Details about Epistemology: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments in Philosophy:

In this new kind of entrée to contemporary epistemology, Kevin McCain presents fifty of the field’s most important puzzles, paradoxes, and thought experiments. Assuming no familiarity with epistemology from the reader, McCain titles each case with a memorable name, describes the details of the case, explains the issue(s) to which the case is relevant, and assesses its significance. McCain also briefly reviews the key responses to the case that have been put forward, and provides a helpful list of suggested readings on the topic. Each entry is accessible, succinct, and self-contained. Epistemology: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments is a fantastic learning tool as well as a handy resource for anyone interested in epistemological issues. Key Features: Though concise overall, offers broad coverage of the key areas of epistemology. Describes each imaginative case directly and in a memorable way, making the cases accessible and easy to remember. Provides a list of Suggested Readings for each case, divided into General Overviews, Seminal Presentations, and Other Important Discussions.

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