Craft of the Dyer: Colour from Plants and Lichens Dover Crafts: Weaving & Dyeing | 2nd Revised ed. Edition

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Author: Casselman, Karen Leigh
ISBN-13: 0800759276066
List Price: $12.95 (up to 73% savings)
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Details about Craft of the Dyer: Colour from Plants and Lichens Dover Crafts: Weaving & Dyeing:

Craftspeople interested in traditional methods will welcome this complete guide to making and using dyes from plants. Although its emphasis is on plants of Northeastern North America, many of the plants listed are found throughout the world. Helpful introductory chapters on equipment, mordants, dyeing procedures and other essentials, are followed by individual plants: its suitability for dyeing, useful parts, how to process them, colors, dye fastness, plant identification, where to find it, and more. Also include four valuable indexes — plants by common name, botanical name, by colors produced, and a general index. A list of suppliers, metric conversion tables and other information rounds out this thorough guide to safe, ecologically sound dyeing methods.

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