Table Tennis: Steps to Success STS Steps to Success Activity | First Edition Edition

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Author: McAfee, Richard
ISBN-13: 9780736077316
List Price: $16.59 (up to 87% savings)
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Details about Table Tennis: Steps to Success STS Steps to Success Activity:

Step up to table tennis success! Table Tennis: Steps to Success combines the knowledge and experience of master instructor Richard McAfee with essential table tennis techniques and strategies for today’s player. With a unique 11-step approach designed to maximize table tennis instruction, you’ll learn the proper grip for your style of play, execution of the basic strokes, and the correct way to apply spin to the ball. Then, build on these core techniques with masterful footwork, serves, returns, and stroke combinations. Best of all, learn how and when to apply those skills in match play. With competitive strategies—adapted for both you and your opponent’s playing style—you’ll raise your game to a new level. And with clear instruction, comprehensive coverage, detailed photo sequences, and drills to ensure mastery of every technique, you’ll be playing—and winning—in no time.

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