Sketching for Animation: Developing Ideas, Characters and Layouts in Your Sketchbook Required Reading Range | Reprint Edition

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Details about Sketching for Animation: Developing Ideas, Characters and Layouts in Your Sketchbook Required Reading Range:

Drawing and sketching are central to the art of animation and can be crucial tools in designing and developing original stories, characters and layouts. Sketching for Animation offers a wealth of examples, exercises and tips from an army of professional animators to help you develop essential sketching, technical drawing and ideation techniques. With interviews and in-depth case studies from some of today's leading animators, including Bill Plympton, Glen Keane, Tori Davis and John Canemaker, this is a unique guide to turning your sketchbook - the world's cheapest, most portable pre-visualisation tool - into your own personal animation armory.

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Nafeesa M.
(0 reviews)
Education: North Bergen NJ
Major: ACT English Tutor

I am an actress, poet, and tutor! Yes, tutor! I've been tutoring since I was at Wesleyan University getting my Bachelor of Arts degree. I live in North Bergen, NJ and recently completed my Master's degree at The George Washington University. In college I minored in Math and Theatre and majored in African-American Studies where I mostly studied poetry and playwrighting. My junior year, I took a semester abroad and lived in France for six months. I am enthusiastic, energetic and outgoing. I ... Read more

I am an actress, poet, and tutor! Yes, tutor! I've been tutoring since I was at Wesleyan University getting my Bachelor of Arts degree. I live in North Bergen, NJ and recently completed my Master's degree at The George Washington University. In college I minored in Math and Theatre and majored in African-American Studies where I mostly studied poetry and playwrighting. My junior year, I took a semester abroad and lived in France for six months. I am enthusiastic, energetic and outgoing. I ... Read more

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