Walks of a Lifetime in America's National Parks: Extraordinary Hikes in Exceptional Places Falcon Guides | Illustrated Edition

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Author: Robert Manning (author) and Martha Manning (author)
ISBN-13: 9781493039258
List Price: $27.55 (up to 78% savings)
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Details about Walks of a Lifetime in America's National Parks: Extraordinary Hikes in Exceptional Places Falcon Guides:

Walks of a Lifetime in America’s National Parks: Extraordinary Hikes in Exceptional Places Walk the national parks and find out for yourself why they’re “America’s best idea” and why walking is the richest way to experience and appreciate these iconic places. There can be no better guides than Bob and Martha Manning, longtime Hiking Ambassadors for the American Hiking Society and life-long stalwarts of the National Park System. In this book, the Mannings introduce and describe all the national parks and offer first-hand descriptions of the very best trails that lead walkers to quintessential scenic vistas, celebrated rivers and lakes, majestic waterfalls, outstanding wildlife viewing areas, significant historic and prehistoric sites, and much more. These walks range from short nature trails to half and full-day hikes to backpacking trips. The book is richly illustrated with hundreds of color photographs, and concludes with a wealth of practical advice on how to best visit and hike the national parks.

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