The Pocket Complete Color Harmony: 1,500 Plus Color Palettes for Designers, Artists, Architects, Makers, and Educators

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Author: Sutton, Tina
ISBN-13: 9781631599200
List Price: $13.29 (up to 48% savings)
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Details about The Pocket Complete Color Harmony: 1,500 Plus Color Palettes for Designers, Artists, Architects, Makers, and Educators:

This pocket-size version of The Complete Color Harmony features the color explorations, insights, and palettes included in the original version in a handy, take-along size. It’s the one color reference designers need. Get an introduction to using the color wheel and discover the key aspects of color, such as warm, cool, pale, and bright. Then, delve into moods and color and see how a wide variety of palettes can come across as earthy, powerful, regal, calm, dependable, and more. In this book you’ll discover: Hundreds of organized color palettes that can be used for a variety of art and design projects. Why certain colors attract. How colors evoke certain moods. Advice on choosing the best colors to work with. A CMYK process color chart and color swatches to make choosing colors and palettes easy. With all the expert information in this convenient portable guide, you’ll feel confident in every color choice.

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