Reading Architectural Working Drawings: Residential and Light Construction | 6th Edition

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Authors: Muller, Edward,Grau III, Philip
ISBN-13: 9780131114685
List Price: $165.32 (up to 88% savings)
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Details about Reading Architectural Working Drawings: Residential and Light Construction:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.   For courses in Architectural Drawing/Design, and Residential Design and Construction. Unique in coverage, this text-workbook introduces concepts essential to a basic, introductory understanding of residential and light construction—drawing, mathematics, geometry, terminology, materials, systems—while providing hands-on experience in reading architectural working drawings. With updated information to reflect the most current changes in the industry, the Sixth Edition enables students to further improve their communication skills when dealing with the technical information found in construction documents.

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