PALLIATIVE PSYCHOLOGY P: Clinical Perspectives on an Emerging Specialty

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Author: STRADA, E. Alessandra
ISBN-13: 9780199773954
List Price: $72.68 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about PALLIATIVE PSYCHOLOGY P: Clinical Perspectives on an Emerging Specialty:

Palliative Psychology provides clinical, evidence-based training in palliative and end of life care for clinical psychologists to accomplish specific therapeutic goals. Chapters provide a clear road map for approaching assessment and treatment by reviewing the use of psychotropic medications for patients with advanced and terminal illness, basic but important aspects of pain medication, in depth psychological and psychiatric assessment for patients with advanced illness and their caregivers, and assessment tools, highlighting the specific clinical contexts for their use. The volume also includes evidence-based psychotherapy models that have been shown effective in treating various manifestations of psychological distress in patients and caregivers.In addition to clinical topics, Palliative Psychology addresses crucial and often sensitive professional issues, including communication and collaboration with medical providers and issues of stress and burnout. Psychologists will learn how to best communicate the results of their assessments and treatment plan goals to other care providers in order to foster collaboration and better position themselves as advocates for their patients. Insight-oriented and practical suggestions will help clinicians manage the emotional intensity of this work and channel the therapeutic potential of their emotional reactions into their work with patients and caregivers.

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