Clinical Social Work Practice in Behavioral Mental Health: Toward Evidence-Based Practice | 3 Edition

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Authors: Sands, Roberta,Gellis, Zvi
ISBN-13: 9780205820160
List Price: $175.99 (up to 87% savings)
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Details about Clinical Social Work Practice in Behavioral Mental Health: Toward Evidence-Based Practice:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.Clinical Social Work Practice in Behavioral Mental Health, 3/e uses evidence-based practice to provide in-depth coverage of clinical social work practice with clients in mental health settings. The authors show the social worker as the critical link between the client, the agency, the family, and the community.   Organized around 2 parts: PART I: A Framework for Practice (History, Culturally Competency, Legal and Ethical Issues, Biopsychosocial framework and assessment and Feminist Practice) and PART II: Intervention (Evidence Based Practice with clients with: Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Serious Mental Illness, Severe Mental Illness in Community Context and with their Families, and Co-occuring Substance Abuse and Serious Mental Illness)

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