Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia Soviet History, Politics, Society, and Thought | 2nd Printing Edition

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Authors: Alexander Bogdanov,Loren R. Graham,Richard Stites,Charles Rougle
ISBN-13: 9780253203175
List Price: $19.99 (up to 60% savings)
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Details about Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia Soviet History, Politics, Society, and Thought:

“An Earth-man’s journey to the planet Mars, where he is treated to a wondrous vision of a communist future, complete with flying cars and 3D color movies.” —Wonders & Marvels   A communist society on Mars, the Russian revolution, and class struggle on two planets is the subject of this arresting science fiction novel by Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928), one of the early organizers and prophets of the Russian Bolshevik party. The red star is Mars, but it is also the dream set to paper of the society that could emerge on earth after the dual victory of the socialist and scientific-technical revolutions. While portraying a harmonious and rational socialist society, Bogdanov sketches out the problems that will face industrialized nations, whether socialist or capitalist.   “[A] surprisingly moving story.” —The New Yorker   “The contemporary reader will marvel at [Bogdanov’s] foresight: nuclear fusion and propulsion, atomic weaponry and fallout, computers, blood transfusions, and (almost) unisexuality.” —Choice   “Bogdanov’s novels reveal a great deal about their fascinating author, about his time and, ironically, ours, and about the genre of utopia as well as his contribution to it.” —Slavic Review

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