Making Games: The Politics and Poetics of Game Creation Tools Playful Thinking

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Author: Werning, Stefan
ISBN-13: 9780262044837
List Price: $24.00 (up to 40% savings)
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Details about Making Games: The Politics and Poetics of Game Creation Tools Playful Thinking:

An argument that production tools shape the aesthetics and political economy of games as an expressive medium. In Making Games, Stefan Werning considers the role of tools (primarily but not exclusively software), their design affordances, and the role they play as sociotechnical actors. Drawing on a wide variety of case studies, Werning argues that production tools shape the aesthetics and political economy of games as an expressive medium. He frames game-making as a (meta)game in itself and shows that tools, like games, have their own "procedural rhetoric" and should not always be conceived simply in terms of optimization and best practices.

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