Mic It!: Microphones, Microphone Techniques, and Their Impact on the Final Mix | 2 Edition

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Details about Mic It!: Microphones, Microphone Techniques, and Their Impact on the Final Mix:

This eBook+ version includes the following enhancements: Over 200 audio examples to help the reader to develop, train and test their listening skills These practical examples help you quickly understand essential audio concepts as they relate to microphones and mic techniques Beginning with essential audio theory and a discussion of the desirable characteristics of "good sound", Mic It! covers microphones, mono and stereo mic techniques, the effect of the recording space or room, and large classical and jazz ensemble recording. This second edition also features new chapters on immersive audio, immersive recording concepts, drum tuning, and recording techniques for audio for video. Mic It! provides in-depth information on how different mic techniques can be used, modified, and fine-tuned to capture not only the best sound, but the best sound for the mix, as well as how to approach and set up the recording session, prepare for mixing, and avoid common recording and mixing mistakes. Corbett’s expert advice ranges from vital knowledge no novice should be without, to advanced techniques that more experienced engineers can explore to benefit and vary the sound of their recordings. Whether you only ever buy one microphone, are equipping a studio on a budget, or have a vast selection of great mics to use, with Mic It! you’ll learn how to make the most of the tools you have.

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