Night Comes: death, imagination, and the last things

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Author: Allison Jr., Dale C.
ISBN-13: 9780802871183
List Price: $16.10 (up to 55% savings)
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Details about Night Comes: death, imagination, and the last things:

When he was 23 years old, Dale Allison almost died in a car accident. That terrifying experience dramatically changed his ideas about death and the hereafter. In Night Comes Allison wrestles with a number of difficult questions concerning the last things — such questions as What happens to us after we die? and Why does death so often frighten us?

            Armed with his acknowledged scholarly expertise, Allison offers an engaging, personal exploration of such themes as death and fear, resurrection and judgment, hell and heaven, in light of science, Scripture, and his own experience. As he ponders and creatively imagines — engaging throughout with biblical texts, church fathers, rabbinic scholars, poets, and philosophers — Allison offers fascinating fare that will captivate many a reader’s heart and soul.

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