Editing and Special/Visual Effects Behind the Silver Screen Series

Compare Textbook Prices for Editing and Special/Visual Effects Behind the Silver Screen Series  ISBN 9780813570815 by Keil, Professor Charlie,Whissel, Kristen,Keil, Professor Charlie,Whissel, Kristen,Higgins, Scott,North, Dan,Monticone, Paul,Rogers, Ariel,Polan, Dana,Turnock, Julie,Wright, Benjamin,Overpeck, Professor Deron,Purse, Lisa,Dhir, Meraj,Allison, Tanine
Authors: Keil, Professor Charlie,Whissel, Kristen,Keil, Professor Charlie,Whissel, Kristen,Higgins, Scott,North, Dan,Monticone, Paul,Rogers, Ariel,Polan, Dana,Turnock, Julie,Wright, Benjamin,Overpeck, Professor Deron,Purse, Lisa,Dhir, Meraj,Allison, Tanine
ISBN-13: 9780813570815
List Price: $33.95 (up to 63% savings)
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