Prostate Cancer: Nursing Assessment, Management, and Care | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Prostate Cancer: Nursing Assessment, Management, and Care 1 Edition ISBN 9780826187451 by Kazer PhD  APRN  A/GNP-BC, Meredith Wallace,Powel PhD  RN, Lorrie
Authors: Kazer PhD APRN A/GNP-BC, Meredith Wallace,Powel PhD RN, Lorrie
ISBN-13: 9780826187451
List Price: $85.00 (up to 50% savings)
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Details about Prostate Cancer: Nursing Assessment, Management, and Care:

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in American adult males. The content of this book, developed by clinical nurse experts, provides information on the state-of-the-art care of men with prostate cancer. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and psychosocial effects of this disease. A major focus of the book is on quality of life and the nursesí role in improving this through teaching patients and their families how to manage common symptoms and side effects such as urinary and sexual problems.

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