The Many Dimensions of Chinese Feminism Breaking Feminist Waves | 1st ed. 2011 Edition

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Author: Chen, Y.
ISBN-13: 9781349288823
List Price: $54.15 (up to 15% savings)
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Details about The Many Dimensions of Chinese Feminism Breaking Feminist Waves:

In the current English-language publication market, this book is one of the earliest academic monographs to comparatively investigate different feminist scholars and academic feminism across the Taiwan Strait. It problematizes recent scholarly understanding of feminist complexity in various Chinese-speaking areas. This book addresses sociocultural backgrounds of how Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong feminist scholars strategize their transfers, localization, and acculturation of Western feminist literary theories. It emphasizes how Chinese literary theorists filter, gate-keep, select, import latest Western feminist theories, and then match them with local socio-cultural trends by exerting comparative researchers' cross-cultural and cross-lingual academic power in order to tackle Mainland China's, Taiwan's, and Hong Kong's own gender problems.

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