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Graphic Design Essentials: With Adobe Software | 2 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Graphic Design Essentials: With Adobe Software 2 Edition ISBN 9781350075047 by Walsh, Joyce
Author: Walsh, Joyce
ISBN-13: 9781350075047
List Price: $37.95 (up to 37% savings)
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Details about Graphic Design Essentials: With Adobe Software:

Learning by doing is the best way to get to grips with new ideas, and graphic design is no different. Weaving together creative strategies and design principles with step-by-step Adobe software guidance, this unique book helps you to immediately put into practice the concepts as you're learning them so they become second nature. Covering all the introductory topics a designer needs to know – from working with colour and layout, to editing images and designing apps – this fully updated edition of the hugely popular Graphic Design Essentials includes plenty of hands-on instruction and real-life examples to give you a thorough grounding in the fundamentals. This new edition includes: - Coverage of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign - Examples of designs from the UK, US, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, China, the Middle East and Australia - Smaller supporting activities alongside major project exercises - New design formats, including apps and infographics - Downloadable resources to use within the software instruction

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