The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia | Illustrated Edition

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Author: Barbiero, Flavio
ISBN-13: 9781594772733
List Price: $10.98 (up to 50% savings)
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Details about The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia:

A radical reexamination of Western history that suggests the descendants of Moses were the architects of the rise of the Roman Church and the ancestors of European aristocracy • Answers the inexplicable disappearance of all mention of Moses’s descendants from the Bible • Reveals the key role played by Josephus Flavius in shaping early Christianity • Explains the connection of this secret priesthood to modern secret societies like the Freemasons After the book of Exodus, Moses’s two sons and numerous descendants all vanish from the Bible. Flavio Barbiero’s investigation of this strange absence and his study of the centuries-long power struggle between the priestly families fighting for control of the Temple of Jerusalem starts with the rebellion against Rome--and the emergence of Josephus Flavius, one of Moses’s descendants, on the world stage. In AD 70 when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus Flavius and thousands of Jewish priests were exterminated, Josephus, now bearing his sponsor’s last name, followed Titus Flavius to Rome with at least 250 relatives and friends. Here they were made Roman citizens but then subsequently disappeared from recorded history. Barbiero’s careful study of early Christianity shows, however, that these surviving members of Moses’s high-priest lineage succeeded in taking control of the nascent Roman Church and masterminded its extraordinary success. Using a wide range of evidence drawn from fields as disparate as archaeology, heraldry, and genetics, Barbiero shows how these descendants of Moses used the cult of Mithras to eventually seize control of the secular Roman authority as well. He then follows, step by step, the spread of the members of this secret priestly elite into what was to become the aristocracy of medieval Europe and how their influence continues to be felt in modern secret societies like Freemasonry.

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