Japanese Garden Quilt: 12 Circle Blocks to Hand or Machine Applique

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Author: Buckley, Karen Kay
ISBN-13: 9781607050148
List Price: $17.95 (up to 33% savings)
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Details about Japanese Garden Quilt: 12 Circle Blocks to Hand or Machine Applique:

Create Rich, Sophisticated Quilts With Circle Blocks. Discover how to make Perfect Circles® every time! Full-size patterns are ready to use and easy to trace. Tips for both hand and machine appliqué make the patterns in this book very versatile. Create fabulous stitching on appliqué with the right tools. Discover how to make Perfect Stems™ and covered cording. Learn Karen's favorite method for “turning the edge” to create a perfectly smooth seam. Instruction booklet & full-size patterns give you everything you need to create unique circle blocks like a pro-in less time than it takes to measure and cut a single square block! Take Karen's Perfect Circles® technique to new heights when you use the skills learned in this book to create your own designs.

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