Advanced Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Elgar Advanced Introductions series

Compare Textbook Prices for Advanced Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Elgar Advanced Introductions series  ISBN 9781800888104 by Davenport, Tom,Glaser, John,Gardner, Elizabeth
Authors: Davenport, Tom,Glaser, John,Gardner, Elizabeth
ISBN-13: 9781800888104
List Price: $28.95 (up to 61% savings)
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Details about Advanced Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Elgar Advanced Introductions series:

Providing a comprehensive overview of the current and future uses of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, this Advanced Introduction discusses the issues surrounding the implementation, governance, impacts and risks of utilising AI in health organizations. Analysing AI technologies in healthcare and their impacts on patient care, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, population health, and healthcare operations, it advises healthcare executives on how to effectively leverage AI to advance their strategies to support digital transformation.

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