Outside the Gates: The Need for Theology, History, and Practice of Chaplaincy Ministries | First Edition Edition

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Author: Crick, Robert
ISBN-13: 9781935245575
List Price: $13.39 (up to 83% savings)
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Details about Outside the Gates: The Need for Theology, History, and Practice of Chaplaincy Ministries:

The great task before Christian workers, chaplains in particular, is to find a way to work within the systems of this world in order to redeem and sanctify those systems in the authority of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who sends them. Chaplains are present in some of the darkest, most impoverished, oppressed, and immoral places on this earth. Their mission is very clear: to be present with the brokenhearted and needy, while working with and within the systems that affect the lives of those they seek to help.

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